Step 1 of 3 33% Intake Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Date client entered shelter.Exit Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Date client exited shelter.Total Days*Total days client stayed in shelter. If you are ever in an abusive situation again, would you come back to A Better Way? Never Not Likely Maybe Likely Definitley I felt safe at A Better Way. Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree I will not be returning to the abusive environment from which I came, but instead will be locating to a safer, more stable home. Yes No The staff has been very involved in making sure that I have a safe place to live after I leave A Better Way. Yes No The staff and volunteers were aware of my special needs. Yes No N/A (I did not have any special needs) I NEEDED information in the following areas: Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Drug/Alcohol Abuse Legal Advocacy Public Assistance (Food Stamps, TANF, Section 8, etc.) I RECIEVED adequate information in the following areas: Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Drug/Alcohol Abuse Legal Advocacy Public Assistance (Food Stamps, TANF, Section 8, etc.) I NEEDED the following services: Clothing Personal Items Household Items Nutritional Food Transportation I RECEIVED the following services: Clothing Personal Items Household Items Nutritional Food Transportation In general, have you seen improvements in your child(ren) in the following areas during your time in shelter?Please check all that apply. Accepting Responsibility Sibling Relationships Emotional Control/Anger Health Obedience School Performance General Behavior Self-Confidence Getting Along with Others N/A (I did not bring children into shelter) I felt a staff member or volunteer was there if I needed to talk. Yes No I feel more emotionally stable than I did when I first called the shelter. Yes No I feel the emotional needs of my children staying in shelter were generally met. Yes No N/A (I did not bring children into shelter) I am now more aware of available resources and services. Yes No I have received support from A Better Way for: Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Both Choose the response that best indicates your level of satisfaction concerning the counseling services that you received. Not Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied N/A (I did not receive Counseling at ABW) The support group I most often attended was: Monday Evening Sexual Assault Support Group Monday Evening Domestic Violence Support Group Wednesday Morning Domestic Violence Support Group I did NOT attend support group I plan to continue attending: Monday Evening Sexual Assault Support Group Monday Evening Domestic Violence Support Group Wednesday Morning Domestic Violence Support Group I DO NOT plan to continue attending group I feel like I am more ready to face my problems outside of A Better Way. Yes No I know more ways to plan for my safety. Yes No Additional CommentsCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.