Racial Injustice
Racial injustice permeates so very many aspects of life. It is everywhere, often under the radar, undetected by those seemingly not affected. What we must all acknowledge is that we are all impacted by it, and we must all do what we can to eradicate it. A Better Way has always promoted justice for all, and we will continue to do so. We have always served all who come our way, with open hearts and arms, and we will continue to do so. We are outraged and saddened by recent and past violent and discriminatory events. We must now, finally, learn that our disgust cannot be temporary. We must work to make change, and not allow things to quiet down to a societal business-as-usual, until another outrageous and hateful act causes the ugliness to resurface. We intend to help make change. We will support those who have been oppressed, mistreated, or made to live below their potential due to hate. We will educate ourselves, and support justice to our best ability. We believe there is hope. We will promote peace and understanding, and we will do it until the injustice is not forgotten, but undone.
Teresa Clemmons, Executive Director
A Better Way Services, Inc.